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Born, Raised, and Retired in the Adirondacks

Updated: Jul 6

Or as the millennials and gen z'ers would text:

BRR in ADK LOL (but you know they aren't laughing, certainly not audibly)

My Adirondack experience began when I first saw light in Plattsburgh, wore diapers in Westport, and later learned how to scrape dog poo off my shoe (among many other awesome things like water ski, snorkel, and ice skate) growing up on northern Lake George in Ticonderoga. Gene's experience began when he moved to Hague with his family as a small child.

We met one another in September 1979 on the first day of kindergarten. We would get in trouble for playing with matchbox cars during naptime. We were great pals until middle school when his crush on me was misunderstood as dislike.

Who knew that the string wrapped multiple times around his blue pointer finger was symbolic of his eternal love for me?
Who knew that chasing me with a spider around the playground meant he was forever going to kill all the spiders I encountered some day?

Certainly not me. Nor anyone else. He was our rebel high school dropout and I was the class valedictorian. He was from the other side of the tracks and my parents, well, owned the tracks.

When he dropped out of high school he wasted no time getting his first career building wooden boats for people all over the country. Gene is the most talented carpenter in the country. (And I am not just saying that because he built me three gorgeous houses and hasn't charged me a dime...yet.) We lost touch when he resigned from high school.

Zoom forward only 3.5 decades (I think we can all agree the biggest curse of aging is that you always feel like you are in your twenties) and we found each other on Faceslap (oops, I mean facebook) in 2016.

(Now, I need to address the elephant on the page. Yes, the photo from 2016 has a filter on it. Why? I have no idea. I don't know how to turn this ridiculous feature on or off.)

(Now that is a real picture. Thanks babe for making me look thinner! Looks are all relative.)

We married in 2017 and made a home in Pennsylvania before deciding to move back to our beloved Adirondacks on the southern end of Lake George.

The year 2018 hit us hard when Gene was diagnosed with cancer and our home burned to the ground. We could have given up. (Honestly, we wanted to give up. Spoiler alert, we didn't.)

Instead we rebuilt, literally. Gene beat cancer and then built The Adirondack Retreat with his own two hands... and a few family members.

And that brings me to today. We are teetering on the verge of retirement (C'mon baby!) where we will continue to enjoy hosting guests in our vacation rental:

We will also begin bringing the Adirondack experience to your own home through Adirondack-themed candles that will bring your senses back to the mountains and lakes.

All this while living on our itty-bitty yet growing homestead. (We are venturing into new territory and have lots to learn.)

It is our goal to be retired in the Adirondacks with our vacation rental and Adirondack experience business by the end of 2025. We are confident we will have many obstacles along the way. We hope you join us on our journey as we share experiences you can have here in the Adirondacks or in your own home with a virtual escape for your senses.


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